Christopher Cherubini

Editor & Inspector Reference

Note: See bottom of page for Tutorials & Reference.

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The LightShape Window










1. Create LightShape Setup: Button

Button will add an LSManager and an LSPrope ,as its child,  with default setting.

2. Remove LightShape from Scene: Button

Will remove the LSManager and any LSProbes that are in the scene. it will not delete anything from the Project Directories.

3. Learn LightShape: Button

Will open a web browser to the online information site.

4. Close Window: Button

Will close the LightShape Window.


The LSManager Inspector





















1. Unlock Save Path: Toggle

This is here to ensure accidental folder naming does not happen. Uncheck to create new save paths.

2. Output Folder Name: String

This is the name of the Output Folder where Cubemaps will be saves after generation.

3. Directory: String

This is the file path to the Output Folder.

4. Create Save Folder: Button

Creates Output Path, Folder, and turns on the Unlock Save Path toggle.

5. Cubemap Size: Dropdown

This is how big the Cubemaps are in Pixels.

6. Global Tint: Color

Use this to Tint Every Probe’s Cubemap to a color in the Managers Probe list.

7. Has Mips: Toggle

This will toggle Mip Map generation for all Cubemaps. Mip Maps are used my the LightShape Shaders for blurry reflection levels.

8. World Camera(Optional): Object Field > Camera

This is the Camera used for the Background Color on Probes.

9. Show Gizmo When Not Selected?: Toggle

Scene Gizmos for LSProbes will be visible without the LSMaganer or LSProbe selected if ON.

10. Gizmo Color: Color

Color of the LSProbe Scene Gizmo.

11. Gizmo Size: Slider

Size of the LSProbe Scene Gizmo.

12. Show Probe Ranges: Toggle

This Toggles Visibility of the Radius of LSProbe Scene Gizmos.

13. Use Read Pixels(Works With Free License): Toggle

On will use the Read Pixels Method that works with the Free Version of Unity. Off will use Render Texture Method.

14. Render All Cubemaps: Button

Click this to Render All LSProbe’s Cubemaps.

15. Unfreeze Global Object Gathering?: Toggle

Toggles the lockout of ALL LSProbe Object Gathering.

16. Gather All Object Connections All Probes: Button

Will Gather Objects into LSProbe object lists that are inside of an LSProbe Radius. Objects will not be in more than one LSProbe list.(magic!)

17. Clear All Object Connections All Probes: Button

Will Clear all LSProbe object lists.

18. Gather All Probes: Button

Finds all LSProbes in the scene and assigns them to the LSManager probe list.

19. Clear All Probes: Button

Clears the LSManager’s probe list.

20. LightShape Probes: Object Field

List of all assigned LSProbes.

21. Drag Objects Here: Drag & Drop Field

Manual assignment to the probe list.

22. Clean Up Scene: Button

In the event of an Error, objects may be in the scene. Use this to Remove all Objects that were generated during the Render that Erred.


The Default LSProbe Inspector






















1. Presets: Three Buttons

Character, Default, & Contrasty presets to start from.

2. Brightness: Float

Brightness of the Cubemap.

3. Contrast: Float

Contrast of the Cubemap image.

4. Contrast Midpoint: Slider

Midpoint used for Contrast. Pixels above this value will be made brighter. Values below this will be made darker.

5. Saturation: Float

Color Saturation of the Cubemap image. Note: Ground Shape is not effected.

6. Tint Color: Color

Color Tint of the Cubemap image.

7. World Brightness: Float

Brightness of the World contribution into the Cubemap Image.

8. Override Camera Background Color?: Toggle

Use this to Override the LSManager’s World Camera Background Color. If you have a Skybox assigned in the Render Settings leave this Off to render the Skybox into the Cubemap. If you have a Skybox and this is ON, the Override Color will be used.

9. Background Color: Color

The Color used when Override Camera Background Color? is ON.

10. Render LightShape?: Toggle

Enables and Expands the LightShape Rendering.

11. Other Objects In Reflection Colored?: Toggle

Put a Solid Colored Cubemap on the objects in the world that use Cubemaps. OFF will render a second pass for all LSProbe‘s that have this OFF. the result is that reflections will appear on objects in the Cubemap Image.

12. Reflected Color: Color

The color of the Solid Colored Cubemap used.

13. Probe Object: Toggle

Expands the Positioning, Preview (Pro Only), & Set CubeMaps Per Object?(In Game): toggles.

14. Update My Cubemap: Button

Render the Cubemap for this LSProbe.

15. Update All Cubemaps: Button

Render all LSProbe Cubemaps. Same as the Render All Cubemaps button found in the LSManager.

16. Freeze Connections?: Toggle

Keeps object assignment from Changing during any Global Object Gathering.

17. Gather All Objects?: Toggle

This LSProbe will gather ALL scene objects into it’s object list.

18. Gather Radius: Float

The size of the LSProbe’s Sphere of Influence.

20. Gather My Connections: Button

Gather all Scene objects that are inside of the LSProbe’s Sphere of Influence.  Objects already assigned to another LSProbe will not be Gathered.

21. Clear My Connections: Button

Clear this LSProbe’s object list.

22. My Objects: Object Field

A List of the objects Gathered and assigned to this LSProbe.

23. Drag Here to Add Objects: Drag & Drop Field

Manual Assigning to the LSProbe object list. Objects with no Cubemap Shader can be assigned but they will not be effected. A Mesh Renderer is Required.

24. Objects to Leave Out Of Render: Object Field

Objects in this list are NOT rendered into this LSProbe’s Cubemap image.

25. Drag Here to Add Objects: Drag & Drop Field

 Manual Assigning to the LSProbe Do Not Render list. A Mesh Renderer is Required.


The Render LightShape part of the LSProbe Inspector

















1. Brightness: Float

Brightness of the LightShape Pass.

2. Light Shape: Object Field > GameObject

The Art Prefab used for the First Lightshape Pass. Included LightShape Prefabs can be found in Assets/LightShape/Light_Shapes

3. Use Light (Required): Object Field > Light

Light to use as Position and Color for the First LightShape pass.

4. Light Shape Size X: Float

Size of the First LightShape in X.

5. Light Shape Size Y: Float

Size of the First LightShape in Y.

6. Shape Rotation: Float

Rotation of the First LightShape image.

7. Override Light Color?: Toggle

Use a Custom Color instead of the color of the First Use Light.

8. Override Color: Color

The Color used if the First Override Use Light is ON.

9. Render BackLight Shape?: Toggle

Enable and Expand the Second LightShape Rendering.

10. Back Light Shape: Object Field > GameObject

The Art Prefab used for the Second Lightshape Pass. Included LightShape Prefabs can be found in Assets/LightShape/Light_Shapes

11. use Light (Optional): Object Field > Light

Light to use as Position and Color for the Second LightShape pass.

12. Light Shape Size X: Float

Size of the Second LightShape in X.

13. Light Shape Size Y: Float

Size of the Second LightShape in Y.

14. Shape Rotation: Float

Rotation of the Second LightShape image.

15. Override Light Color?: Toggle

Use a Custom Color instead of the color of the Second Use Light.

16. Override Color: Color

The Color used if the Second Override Use Light is ON.

17. Use Ground?: Toggle

Turn on Coloring for the Bottom Part of the LSProbe Cubemap.

18. Ground Color: Color

The Color Used for the Ground LightShape.

19. Ground Scale: Float

The Size of the Ground LightShape.


The Probe Object part of the LSProbe Inspector









1. Re-Position: Toggle

Used to move the Rendering Position Without moving the LSProbe object.

2. Recenter: Button

Recenter the Rendering Position to the LSProbe center.

3. Preview? (Pro Only): Toggle

Enable a Real-Time Preview of the LSProbe Rendering Position.

4. My Cubemap: Cubemap

The Cubemap Associated with this LSProbe.

5. Set CubeMaps Per Object?(In Game): Toggle

Used to Assign the LSProbe Cubemap to each Object in the LSProbe object list When the Game is Run. The alternative is to create a unique material for every object that uses a different Cubemap…Yuck!

6. Use For Dynamic Objects? (In Game): Toggle

Used to Apply this probe’s Cubemap to Dynamic Objects with a Ridgid Body, Trigger Collider, & a Shader that HasProperty(“_Cube”) during Game Run.

*This is a very simple Implementation using OnTriggerEnter(Collider Collided). You will Most Likely want to implement your own method that is appropriate for your project. This Method was appropriate for my Project.


Other Info:

Getting Started

Dig Into “LightShapes”

About LightShape Shaders

Auto Assigning during Game Run